Indiana native climbing Mount Everest and raising funds


Michael Prage raises funds for Children’s Bureau Inc. and Families First.

INDIANAPOLIS — When Indiana-born Michael Prage was stationed in Japan in 1999, he and a few friends ventured to the top of Mount Fuji.

“It completely changed my life,” recalls Michael Prage. “Being so high and being able to look over it.”

Prage said he was inspired and from then on he was hooked. For the past two decades he has continued to climb and he has always had Mount Everest as his goal.

“My father died a few years ago, unexpectedly. That’s when I realized how quickly life could fade away. I knew that if I didn’t now at my age, I would never make it,” Prage said.

So, next April, Prage will embark on his journey to conquer Everest and he has been training hard.

“Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I do 20 mile walks. I carry about 50-60 pounds in my ruck. Tuesdays and Thursdays and sometimes weekends I go for a run and do 20-30 miles in running,” says Prag.

On Saturday, January 29, he plans to test himself — by doing a Mount Everest stair challenge on the Soldiers & Sailors Monument downtown.

“It’s going to be around 100,000 steps up and down. From what I can gather, it’s going to take me around 19 hours, maybe more,” Prage said.

But Prage isn’t just doing this for himself. He entered the foster care system as a baby and was adopted by Stanley and Linda Prage when he was two years old.

“I am very grateful for what I received.”

It changed his life for the better and he wants to give back. So for every step Prage takes this weekend, he’s also raising money for Children’s Bureau Inc. and Families First. All donations go back to the cause.

“They need all the help they can get, whether it’s, you know, money or families considering adoptions,” Prage said. “The State of Indiana currently has over 13,000 children in the foster care system. So every little thing I can do to help is something I care about because I know what it is. .

Once in their place, he now uses his shoes to make a difference.

“Being able to show other kids that you can accomplish anything as long as you commit.”

Next year is Mount Everest, but first Prage is ready to conquer the circle while helping change lives on the way up. Prage plans to begin his ascent at 6 a.m. and continue until it is complete.


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